Destiny Careplus

We firmly believe that individuals should have the autonomy to choose to remain in the comfort and happiness of their own homes for as long as they wish and still access excellent care.

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Destiny Careplus Exceptional Care, Unwavering Choice

Destiny Careplus has firmly established itself as a proficient provider in non-medical in-home care, renowned for its steadfast dedication to delivering exceptional care services to older adults and vulnerable individuals

Personal Care

Delivering attentive care for personal hygiene, grooming, and daily living needs, prioritizing individual comfort and well-being in a compassionate manner.

Respite Care

Offering essential short-term relief to primary caregivers, providing them with the opportunity to rejuvenate while ensuring seamless, uninterrupted care for their loved ones.

Emergency Care

Providing immediate and responsive assistance during unforeseen healthcare emergencies, ensuring prompt and effective support tailored to individual needs.

Live-In Care

Offering continuous 24/7 caregiving by dedicated live-in caregivers, providing personalized assistance, companionship, and support for daily activities.

Overnight Care

Providing overnight support and monitoring to ensure safety, comfort, and peace of mind during nighttime hours, promoting restful sleep for individuals and their families.


Offering emotional and social support to individuals, fostering meaningful connections, and enhancing overall well-being through engaging activities and companionship.

Dementia Care

Providing specialized and compassionate care for individuals with dementia, addressing their unique cognitive, emotional, and physical needs with dignity and respect.

Stroke Care

Delivering specialized care, rehabilitation, and support services for individuals recovering from strokes, promoting recovery, independence, and quality of life.

Parkinson’s Care

Offering comprehensive care and support tailored to the specific needs of individuals with Parkinson’s disease, focusing on enhancing mobility, comfort, and daily functioning.

Disability Care

Providing personalized support, assistance, and advocacy for individuals with disabilities, empowering them to live independently, access resources, and participate in their communities.

Palliative Care

Offering compassionate care focused on pain management, symptom relief, and emotional support for individuals with serious illnesses, enhancing their quality of life and well-being.

Supported Living

Providing top-tier social companionship, support services, and resources to empower individuals to maintain independence, social connections, and a fulfilling lifestyle in their own homes.

Destiny Careplus: Enhancing Your Wellness. We prioritize your intrinsic value, delivering tailored support and fostering your holistic health journey.

Destiny CarePlus Supported Living

Discover peace and comfort within your home's embrace.

Embrace the serenity and inner peace that emanate from your cherished space, surrounded by the warmth of familiar faces and treasured memories. Home is where genuine comfort resides.

Experience tranquility, security, and relaxation in the familiarity of your personal sanctuary.